Let's Talk | Second hand clothes
So hello my darling! Welcome to my blog!
Among all these reviews and wishlists, I'm glad to write some random post. Today we're launching my rubric 'Let's talk' and talking about one very interesting and attractive topic. Before we start, I want to apologize to my Balkan people, and ask them to translate this text into their own language. I have to write in English, because it's so easy for me to get in touch with my readers, although I know there are haters who visit my blog every day, and they spit on me here. Thank you haters, for all views! Love you!
Before all I want ask you something! Did you ever buy something 'secon hand'? Be real.
Second Hand wares...
The "second hand" goods are actually used goods which you can find today almost everywhere. Namely, those are things that someone bought, maybe even used, but decided to pass it on. In my country (Serbia), this is't the case, however, people wash them clothes, iron (press) them and left in special containers, instead of throwing it into waste. It's very humane, because the poor people can use that outfit. In time, a business developed in the world, and people are collecting and then reselling it. So that's way how people created ''second hand'' shops.
Sometimes people collect things they do not want to wear, and resell them, which is very good. In this way, the environment is protected. It's also recycling. However, people often have prejudices about these things. Is this a mistake? Yeah. It's not a shame to wear second hand clothes. You bought it from someone, you did't steal it, why is it then embarrassing you to say that your clothes are used?
That's why I conducted the survey.
My city isn't too big, but there are so many 'second-hand' shops. That's why I decided to talk to the owners of these shops. Yeah, I've really done that. The answer I received was very surprising.
Namely, workers and owners claim that these shops are visited primarily by educated people. They say that their clients are mostly doctors, lawyers, professors, athletes, artist, students, journalists... Also they say that people who have money are mainly bought here. The poor don't enter. Educated people understand the brands, and they know what's the original clothes. That's why they enjoy buying marked items at low prices.
But that's true! At very low prices, you can find a branded items, often with labels. These are things that a wealthy people bought a long time ago and didn't wear, and decided to forward it. there are always exceptions when things are torn and ragged, but they are hard to find. Most often, these are worn but preserved things. It's the same as when you borrow a suit from a friend. You buy these things, take it home, wash, press, and they are like new. But what about prejudice ''Who knows who worn it before me?''? It's the same as you trying clothes in the store. Who knows who tried it before you?
Well, to summarize! It's not shame to wear 'second hand' clothes. It's not shame to buy it! Please, forget all prejudice, please! Focus on enjoying your clothes, not what will anyone say! Visit these stores, buy if you like something, and sell your own surplus wardrobe (or donate) because someone needs more than you.
Write me in comment your opinion about this theme. Love you all. Bye!
183 коментара
wow beautiful post :-)
ОдговориИзбришиThank u so much!
ИзбришиStvarno odličan post, još jedan u nizu.
ОдговориИзбришиMislim da nakon pročitanog nitko neće imati argumenata jer si sve objasnila i uhvatila se svakog detalja.
Ja sam baš prije koji tjedan donirala odjeću u second hand shop u blizini mene, planirala sam prvo crvenom krizu ili sličnim udruženjima,ali nažalost nisam uspjela naći pa je preostao second hand shop.
Uglavnom hahaha
Predobar post, slažem se sa svime što si napisala 😄❤
Hvala od srca draga Antonia! To sto si uradila je svakako humano, respekt!
ИзбришиStvarno odličan post, još jedan u nizu.
ОдговориИзбришиMislim da nakon pročitanog nitko neće imati argumenata jer si sve objasnila i uhvatila se svakog detalja.
Ja sam baš prije koji tjedan donirala odjeću u second hand shop u blizini mene, planirala sam prvo crvenom krizu ili sličnim udruženjima,ali nažalost nisam uspjela naći pa je preostao second hand shop.
Uglavnom hahaha
Predobar post, slažem se sa svime što si napisala 😄❤
Hvala od srca draga Antonia! To sto si uradila je svakako humano, respekt!
ИзбришиGreat post dear:)
ОдговориИзбришиHave a nice weekend 💞💗
Thanks darling, you too!
Избришиgreat post! to be honest, I am obsessed with thrift shops :D
ОдговориИзбришиbtw your blog is amazing, would you like to follow each other via GFC?
Hello, my name is Ev
Thanks dear!
ИзбришиI love second hand clothes! It's an amazing way to find true bargains. <3
ОдговориИзбришиThe Fancy Cats
That's true. Thank you dear!
ИзбришиNão tenho problema nenhum em ter roupas de segunda mão na verdade adoro!
Jana Makes Esmaltes e Cia
Thank u so much!
ИзбришиOduševljena sam postom draga Sandra. Ja sam par puta prosledila devojčici iz komšiluka brdo stvari iz razloga što su mi bile tesne a obučene su par puta. Neke su čak imale i etiketu. A moja sestra mi često prosledi garderobicu za decu od ćerkice, i sve bude novo kao da nije ni nošeno. Takodje dok smo bile male nasledjivala je garderobu od mene. Da, tako sam i ja čula da samo siromašni zaobilaze radnje polovnih stvari. Tako da, što se mene tiče ovaj post mi je baš super. Uzivala sam čitajući.
ОдговориИзбришиMagicni svet lepote
Hvala od srca Marija!Drago mi je sto si podelila svoje iskustvo sa nama, zaista je od velike vrednosti!
ИзбришиÓtima postagem, eu gosto de roupas de segunda mão.
ОдговориИзбришиBoa semana.
Thank you darling!
ИзбришиGreat Post! Followed you<3
Thanks Aleksandra, follow u back!
ИзбришиGrat post https://bysinkj.blogspot.com
ОдговориИзбришиThanks a lot!
ИзбришиGreat post. I don't have problem with second hand clothes.
That's great. Thank u dear!
ИзбришиDicas maravilhoas, Mulher! Amei demais, beijos!
ОдговориИзбришиthanks a lot!
ИзбришиHere in Brazil is very normal! I love!
ОдговориИзбришиKisses 😘😘
That's cute! Thanks!
ИзбришиI love second heand clothes I get them all the time. Thanks for your comment on my blog sweetie!!!
ОдговориИзбришиThanks darling, it's amazing!
ИзбришиI actually love thrift shopping, Sandra, and I love receiving hand-me-down clothes. I don't know why but I just like used stuff. hahaha. Except for shoes, socks, and undies of course. But I really enjoy thrift shopping and majority of the clothes in my closet are second-hand. I love second-hand books too! Aside from the mysterious stories behind each second hand item, I like the fact that even on this small act of mine, I help the environment. :)
ОдговориИзбришиxoxo, rae
That's great darling, thank you so much!
ИзбришиBellissimo post cara
ОдговориИзбришиThank u!
ИзбришиBellissimo post cara
ОдговориИзбришиThank u!
ИзбришиGreat post as always :)
ОдговориИзбришиThanks darling!
ИзбришиI love going through thrift shops! So many treasures you can find!
ОдговориИзбриши- Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Thanks a lot!
ИзбришиIn Kolkata, India there is a big second hand market in the heart of the city. It opens at midnight, from 12.00 AM to 5.00 AM. There is no shame to purchase a good quality second hand garment, if you can not effort expensive branded one.
ОдговориИзбришиGreat post dear.
That's wonderful, thank u darling!
ИзбришиThanks a lot :D
ОдговориИзбришиsuper interesting post my friend
Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D
I used to buy second hand clothes all the time but now I prefer to invest in fresh pieces for myself. :)
Thanks darling, that's okay!
ИзбришиSometimes I visit the second-hand shops, because there I can find really cool things!♥
ОдговориИзбришиBlog: Witty Sweety
Instagram: @witty_sweety
That's true, thanks!
ИзбришиI have no problem buying second-hand clothes. I already bought some things and at phenomenal prices dear. I love the post <3
ОдговориИзбришиAmazing, great! Thank u dear!
ИзбришиGreat idea, I love your new rubric... such an interesting topic!
ОдговориИзбришиLove, Paola.
Thanks Paola!
ИзбришиSecond hand clothes are pretty interesting, but there's some prejudice here in São Paulo and people prefer going to the mal to buy new ones. Here, there's the wrong idea that only very poor people wear second hand clothes, but I disagree. There are many interesting pieces of clothing for good prices and quality.
ОдговориИзбришиHappy Halloween ♤
Antonia/ Rock ur Nails!
That's true! Thank u so much!
ИзбришиI like second hand clothes:) very nice post!
ОдговориИзбришиThank u dear!
ИзбришиInteresting post dear!
Thanks darling!
ИзбришиI love shopping second hand, it is so fun and you can find great vintage pieces.
ОдговориИзбришиI am following you on Instagram. Did you want to do the IG Challenge?
xoxo Falasha
Bite My Fashion
Instagram| Bloglovin'| Facebook
Thank u so much, I want!
Избришиthanks dear!xx
ОдговориИзбришиI agree with you, I buy sometimes second hand clothes and I've found really beautiful items!
Freak Muffin Blog
Thank u so much!
Избришиsecond hand clothes is second chance!
ОдговориИзбришиthanks darling!
Избришиgostei bjs'
ОдговориИзбриши★Blog Brilho das Estrelas★
Избришиagree ^^ I like second hand clothes too
ОдговориИзбришиhave a nice day
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиAmei o seu post, temos que acabar com esse preconceito de adquirir roupas de segunda mão. Aqui no Brasil, é conhecido como Bazar, e nesse tempo de crise financeira, é uma boa pedida poder comprar roupas bacanas com preços bem baratos.
ОдговориИзбришиBeijos. ♥
Diário da Lady
Thanks a lot dear!
ИзбришиAmei o seu post, as pessoas têm preconceito e a maioria são os pobres realmente, por achar inferior usar roupas que já foram usadas, mas na verdade não faz vergonha nenhuma. As peças foram higienizadas e colocam pra serem vendidas porque estão em bom estado e a preço baixo. Aqui onde moro tem bastante!
Thank you!
ИзбришиI totally agree with yoiu. There is no shame on buying second hand clothes even though a lot people still think is a bad thing.
ОдговориИзбришиI love go to markets and find cool things, i dont really care if its second hand.
Amazing post, dear! A big hello from Germany!
ОдговориИзбришиHugs ♥
LIANA LAURIE | My new video
Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing! ♥️♥️♥️
ОдговориИзбришиthanks darling!
ИзбришиEu não vejo problema em usar roupas de segunda mão!
Lily’s Nail
Instagram @lilys_nail_
That's amazing, thanks!
ИзбришиThanks dear!
ОдговориИзбришиthank u!
ОдговориИзбришиDanas baš odgovaram na ask-u i stiže mi pitanje o polovnoj odjeći i obraćam im se da je to tema o kojoj treba više pisati i kažem im da ću im pisati više o mom mišljenju na blogu. I taman pripremam post i reko da se odmorim i naletim na ovaj tvoj post. Uglavnom, mnogo mi se dopada post. Slažem se sa svime što si rekla i zaista smatram da to nije ništa loše. Svaka čast na postu ❤️❤️❤️
ОдговориИзбришиI follow you: Visit and folllow ----> Marija's blog
Ajme hvala puno draga marija!
ИзбришиVery interesting post. I think it is not a question of poor or rich, or your willingness. It is depends upon your surroundings, the society you are living. If wearing second hand garments is acceptable in your society then it's OK. If not then NOT.
ОдговориИзбришиManjoree Graphics
Thanks for sharing your opinion darling!
ИзбришиOdličan post! Moje mišljenje je da nemam ništa protiv polovne robe. Vrlo rado poklanjam sve sto necu vise nositi, a znam da će neko uzivati u tim stvarima. Isto tako i ja uzmem nešto što mi se pokloni. Par puta sam naletela na extra stvari u second hand radnji, i ništa im ne fali. Tako da svako ima svoj izbor i tu ne treba raspravljati. :*
ОдговориИзбришиHvala od srca draga moja!Slazem se!
ИзбришиLove this clothing!
ИзбришиTi si mene doslovno oduševila ovim postom, u svakom mogućem i nemogućem smislu te reči! Tolika humanost, realnost i iskrenost su me ostavili bez teksta.
ОдговориИзбришиNemam ništa, bukvalno ništa protiv second hand prodavnica. Iskrena da budem, nisam do sada kupovala u njima, međutim, što da ne? Za sve postoji prvi put. Obećavam sebi da ću jednom otići do seknd henda, ako ništa drugo, da doniram svoju staru odeću. Do sam sam je nosila u H&M za onaj reciklažni program, ali opet smatram da je mnogo bolje dati odeću nekome kome stvarno treba (jer će neko u lošijoj materijalnoj situaciji to posle kupiti za 100- 200 din.), nego donirati to za novu brendiranu, skupu odeću. A malo si me začudila onim delom posta gde si napisala da advokati, lekari, studenti i otsali kupuju u ovim radnjama, a siromašni ljudi ne, jer znam da u jednom seknd hendu pored kog baš često prolazim viđam ljude u prilično lošoj materijalnoj situaciji. Mada opet, zavisi... Da ne dužim, mnogo mi se dopada na koji način si prišla ovoj temi i ceo post kao celina mi nekako deluje... lepo? Malo je reći. Svaka čast na ovome!
My blog: Ana's blogger life
Jao bože, ovo je jedan od najdivnijih komentara koji sam dobila u svojoj karijeri! I zaista mi previse znaci, hvala od srca draga moja Ana! Ogromno hvala!
ИзбришиI agree with you that it's not shameful to wear second hand clothes as long as we know the background of the seller. I mean like : the hygiene. Very nice and inspiring post anyway :)
Thanks a lot!
ИзбришиThis post is amazing! It is very interesting topic
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиYes, go for it! maybe not for me, but some style must be a hit!
isntagram @grace_njio
I wish we had more second hand shops here, I think this is a great way to get some new clothes for very cheap. xx
ОдговориИзбришиthanks a lot
ИзбришиThats a great idea. I give my clothes to solidarity instutions...
thanks a lot
ИзбришиThanks a lot :D
ОдговориИзбришиI've a lot of second hand clothes and I really love :D
Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D
That's amazing, thanks Mig!
Избришиhy dear thank for stopping by at my blog, of course i would like to following each other. i have following you, now its ur turn.
ОдговориИзбришиi love to wore second wear, such as you said before thats its cheap and in good quality. why shy to wore some thing that good thing? you didnt stole it right?
thanks a lot, follow u
ИзбришиI love second hand clothes... Have a nice day. I'm here.
ОдговориИзбришиthanks a lot!
ОдговориИзбришиHi, interesting post.
ИзбришиSometimes they have really good clothes :)
ОдговориИзбришиBlog x Facebook x Instagram x Bloglovin
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиI have some secnd hand clothes and they are my favourite pieces! Vintage clothes are so cool!
that's great, thanks!
ИзбришиI have tried buying second hand products... Its so great to score high end products for a cheap price. We just have to be cautious on the hygiene part though. Lately Im no longer shopping at thrifted stores.
thank u darling!
ИзбришиBravo Sandra za post, još jedan tekst koji svaka osoba sa predrasudama treba da istetovira :)!
ОдговориИзбришиhvala od srca!
ИзбришиSecond hand clothes are the best way for doing cheap shopping!
ОдговориИзбришиKisses, DadieB. ~
thank you!
ИзбришиFor me it's a YES! I totally agree with you!
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиAw I loved this so much! I adore second hand shopping and collecting even very old clothes, I love to imagine the life it's had and the people who used to wear it :D it is a way of connecting with them on some level, but very often you can find completely new things there too! xx
ОдговориИзбришиelizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиI never by second hand clothes because in Portugal is not usual too find these kind of stores!
ОдговориИзбришиHave a great evening, kisses <3
ИзбришиI don´t buy at second hand stores cos´ I wear size 32(XS) and there aren´t many clothes in this size in any second hand stores in my town
ОдговориИзбришиNew follower of your blog :)
AN Beauty Blog
ИзбришиGreat post!
ОдговориИзбришиWelcome to my blog Flawless
Prije svega, hvala ti puno na onom predivnom komentaru koji si ostavila na mom blogu, mnogo mi znači.
ОдговориИзбришиPredivna je tema o kojoj si nam ovdje pisala, zaista vrlo originalno i kreativno. Nisam do sada nigdje vidjela da neko piše o ovoj temi, i to me je zaista pozitivno iznenadilo, još i kada sam pročitala u tvom tekstu da si dodatno istraživala o ovome. Svaka čast. Vidi se da dosta truda ulažeš u svoje postove, ali vjeruj mi, trud se itekako isplati.
Zaista, sve pohvale za post.
Kao i uvjek, uživala sam u čitanju. :D
Amaterska Umjetnost ♡
Hvala od srca draga!
ИзбришиI like second hand clothes.
ОдговориИзбришиHave a nice week,
thank you!
ИзбришиYou can find some really good bargains in a second hand shop. :)
ОдговориИзбришиP&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиOdličan post i sama ideja za isti. Upravu si kada kažeš da siromašni neće ići u second shopove, već više oni koji razumiju šta je brendirana odjeća. Da budem potpuno iskrena volim kupovati u takkvim shopovima, jer ću naći nešto očuvano, originalno, što niko nema, a opet jeftino.
ОдговориИзбришиDelilah's Stories | Filmtastično
Hvala puno Dalila!
ИзбришиVery interesting post dear!!!
Избришиgreat post!!! :)
ОдговориИзбришиWhy not, I bought already some great clothes second hand :)
ОдговориИзбришиxx Rena
thank u dear!
ИзбришиOdlična tema i sjajan post draga! xoxo
ОдговориИзбришиVesna - Home Chic Club
Hvala draga!
ИзбришиWell I am romanian and when I lived i Romania I often saw this things happen, I too bought some second hand clothes. Now I live in Italy for more than 10 years and I have to say that I haven't seen similar stores yet. There are places where one can leave clothes that doesn't use any more and those things are sent to centers that help poor people and I find this a very good and useful idea.
ОдговориИзбришиWish you a fantastic day!
Flo from
Thanks a lot darling!
ИзбришиI like buying in second- hands, I can find really amazing clothes, sometimes with price tags ;).
thank you!
ИзбришиI love second hands! <3
thanks !
ИзбришиWe can find so many fantastic items in second hands :)
Sara's City
ИзбришиLove this article!
ОдговориИзбришиxoxo Mon
ИзбришиIskreno, nikada nisam imala problem sa Second Hand prodavnicama. Ako mi bi se neka stvar dopala, nema veze da li je to iz H&M-a ili neke random prodavnice. Naravno, kvalitet nije uvek isti, ali ponekad nas nešto može iznenaditi. Sve jedno, nikada nisam videla post na ovu temu, tako da svaka čast <3
ОдговориИзбришиNovi post je na blogu, volela bih da pogledas :) -------------
Hvala puno draga moja!
ИзбришиI buy many clothes in Sh :) LIke it a lot:)
thank you!
ИзбришиI say YES! Last winter season I bought many coats in second hand ;) xx
ОдговориИзбришиCoco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin
thanks Marisa!
ИзбришиI love the post. Keep going :)
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиAguardo ansiosamente por novas postagens suas minha lindona!
ОдговориИзбришиAmo demais seus posts.
Beijos. ♥
Diário da Lady
ИзбришиHi, Sandra!
ОдговориИзбришиI've never tried to buy second hand clothes, but here in Brazil this is more commom day by day. There are a lot of bloggers/vloggers here showing their public the nicest second hand stores. Maybe I shoud give it a try, right?
Algumas Observações
Thank u dear!
ИзбришиŚwietnie napisane, pozdrawiam
ИзбришиLegal!! Adorei ;D sim!
ОдговориИзбришиObrigada pela visita, linda!!
Bom final de semana!! Até mais. Beijinhos ;*
Great post!
ОдговориИзбришиI'm sure you can find really awesome pieces in second hand stores, but I prefer new clothing that hasn't been worn before.
ОдговориИзбришиHappy November!
thanks a lot!
ИзбришиIzvrstan post, draga Sandra. Jako dobro objašnjeno i do detalja. Da budem iskrena mene malo ljuti kada čujem da neko komentariše kako nikada ne bih kupovao po ovakvim radnjama. Pa nemaju svi tu privilegiju da mogu sebi priuštiti novu odjeću. Pored toga i ta odjeća koja se nudi ili prodaje u takvim radnjama nije otrovana. Ali hajde, bitno da je "nivo" zavladao svijetom i da je iz poniženja reći da kupuješ u trgovini polovne robe. Sve pohvale, još jednom, za ovaj post ^_^
ОдговориИзбришиMoj mali kutak
Hvala puno draga!
ИзбришиJako dobar i koristan post.
hvala puno!
ИзбришиOdličan post. Ja kupujem stvari u tim radnjama. I zaista mogu da se nadju veoma zanimljive stvari. 🙈
ОдговориИзбришиHvala draga, drago mi je zbog toga!
Избришиthanks Cata!
ОдговориИзбришиthank u!
ОдговориИзбришиthanks darling!
ОдговориИзбришиthanks dear!
ОдговориИзбришиHi! In my opinion, second hand clothes is the best choice, when you want to wear cheap, stylish and interesting clothes. Darling, a half of my wardrobe is clothes from second hand.
ОдговориИзбришиGreetings from Poland!