Implants in the chest, yes or no? | Let's Talking

by - децембар 05, 2017

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog.
Today, after a long time, we have one random post. We continue with the rubric 'Let's talk', and today's theme is Implant silicones, and it specifically implants in the breast. What are silicones, what's the operational process, what is the recovery, whether the risk is large and whether they need to be installed, this is our todayly topic. Enjoy!

What are silicones?
Silicones, implants, stretches, inserts, are the same expressions for embedding a specific mass that exists in different sizes and shapes. Breast Silicone is a very popular method in the world, which increases and beautifies the breasts. It's a surgical procedure that changes the shape and size of the breast, but also the shape and color of the wart.

How are silicones set?
Silicones are put on a surgical procedure, ie surgery. You are in the anesthesia, aesthetic surgeons perform dissection on your body and insert silicone pads in a particular place. There are two types of breast implants: saline (containing sterile salt water inside) or silicone (padded with sterile silicone). This operation in today's time isn't too risky, but it can be. That's why you need looks at it like on any other operation.

What is a recovery?
If surgery is done in completely sterile conditions and as a rule, recovery is short and fast. There should be no complications. Therefore, it is necessary to inquire in a nice and detailed manner about your place where you will put silicones, as well as to talk with a surgeon!

But what with prejudices?
Whatever you are, beautiful or ugly, skinny or fat, with or without silicones, people will have prejudices about you until they meet you. And will always comment on you! It's therefore necessary to reject all these prejudices. Some people will think that you are a woman of light morale if you put silicones. Some will think that you aren't an ordinary believer, someone will support you but someone will judge. But that's no reason not to make silicone! If you have a problem with your small breasts, and you think the problem will disappear, do the silicone. Let people talk and you should be happy!

And breastfeeding?
Everyone thinks breastfeeding is impossible. But that's not true! There is a way for the silicone to be placed under the muscles of the chest, which is obtained on the breast volume without damaging all the lactic and lymphatic glands! This way of breast augmentation doesn't affect the operation of the mammary glands so that women who haven't given birth or want more children can easily undergo breast enlargement with silicone.

Complications may occur after surgery but also after years. When healing the breast tissue, there may be various changes in the size and shape of the breast, until the pads fall, the pillow bursts, and the like. However, all this can be prevented by regular control of your surgeon.

Tumors and malignancies?
Nowadays, all women regardless of age may be in danger of getting a tumor. Unhealthy nutrition, sports activity, various traumas (physical and psychological) are affected by the onset of the tumor. So far, it has not been scientifically proven that women have received a tumor due to implant. On the contrary, it has been proven that women who have silicones have previously discovered their illnesses and are better able to cure them because they regularly check with their doctor.

Facts about silicones to know:
Always keep in mind that silicones don't necessarily mean they are a lifelong solution. This means that every woman who has silicone must take into account that they change over time if there is a need for it.
It's necessary to monitor the condition of the breast and most often once a year visit the aesthetic docotr who has breast enlargement and continue to control with an oncologist or gynecologist.
We shouldn't be afraid that the changes will happen in a short period of time, because only after 10 years we have to think about the possible replacement of silicone, of course if it needs it.
- Since breast development in women develops up to the early eighteenth years, the installation of silicone is recommended only at the age of 18 years.
- It's always possible to remove silicones!
- Silicone does not mumble during sexual intercourse, regardless of the pressure being done!
- A better surgeon will cost you more!
- Silicone will not hinder your being a mother!
- You will get confidence, and you will be happier!
- You can always enlarge your breasts in a natural way.

Natural way to enlarge your chest?
I wrote a post on this them long time ago, but now I will remind you. True, with them, the process itself will last longer and you should "arm yourself" with patience, will and perseverance, but the outcome will be positive and satisfying, and most importantly, you will reach your larger breasts in a natural way. This option may require more of your investment in the process itself, but it is important that it is a natural way. One option is breast massage, which can help you get bigger and harder breasts. Also, certain foods and special creams can make it possible for you, without a huge financial investment, naturally get a curve in the upper part of the body.

The most common question, price?
The cost of this operation is very high, but includes all examinations, tests, blood tests, ultrasound, and X-rays. Also, the price includes your postoperative period, hospital stay, diet, and all subsequent examinations. Depending on whether the operation is in a state hospital, or private, depending on the doctor's training, surgery can cost from 3000 to 8000 euros. However, the important thing is that you know that more expensive operations are better. Why?  Because the aesthetic surgeon is more experienced, professional and professional. And the material with which it works is probably more qualitative. So do not settle. If you already decide to do this operation, choose a more expensive and safer option.

Implants in the chest, yes or not?
If you have small breasts for which you have been unhappy for a long time, if you are shy to get rid of your partner or the beach for small breasts, if you don't have the confidence, if your small breasts are your problem, do the silicone! There will always be people who will condemn you for this, but it is important that you are happy and satisfied! Normal people won't look at you as freaks, than they will understand you. It's the same as when someone has curved teeth, then he goes and stretches, or when someone doesn't have a tooth, then he goes and does an artificial tooth. All disadvantages can be changed, but your luck, not. Of course, it's assumed that the breasts are normal in size and in proportion to your body. I am not for extreme cases, but I say silicone definitely yes!

Now, your opinion about this theme! Yes or Not! Must see in the comment. Love you all!

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191 коментара

  1. Bas volim tvoju 'Let's talk' rubriku, i moram da ti kazem da mi je nedostajala. Super mi je sto u ovim postovima nikada nemas dlake na jeziku i svaku temu na koju pises razradis detaljno. Svaka ti cast na trudu koji si ulozila u ovaj post <3!

    Novi post je kod mene na blogu, ako te zanima :)) ----------

  2. Odličan post, draga moja. Sve si dobro pojasnila. Iako imam toliko godina koliko imam, i ovaj post mi neće biti baš od pomoći u skorije vreme, iskrena da budem, bilo je interesantno čitati ga. Prvenstveno jer se na TV- u, internetu ali i od ljudi uživo mogu čuti raznorazne gluposti i odlično je što postoji neko ko će argumentima staviti tačku na raspravu i dalja razmišljanja tipa "Je l' moguće da je istina to što je NN osoba rekla da se od implanata može dobiti tumor (i šta još ne)". Stvarno dobro napisan i edukativan post.

    My blog: Ana's blogger life

  3. Draga Sandra moram priznati da nemam ništa protiv žena i devojaka koje nose implante na bilo kojem delu tela. Ako neko smatra da mu je to potrebno i može priuštiti, to je O.K. Ja ih lično ne bih stavila jer mislim da mi ustvari nisu ni potrebni.
    Magicni svet lepote

  4. I am not in favor of altering body parts!
    But I must say very informative!

  5. I love this post. Having breast implants can be a little scary, and of the effects it might give our body in the coming years after you've had them. Bookmarking this for reference!

    The Flower Duet

  6. very good post. I am for it, if anyone needs it, let him do it! :)

  7. I have naturally big boobs so I don't have to do it, but this article is just gorgeous :)

  8. Baš mi se dopada ova tvoja nova rubrika.
    Ne osuđujem, ali nije to za mene. Isto tako, u poslednje vreme ume i da se pretera, što kod nas, što u svetu, pa i ne izgleda lepo, a lepo bi trebalo da je poenta. :)

    Kathy's delight

  9. I think that people should do what they want. But they must think about all effects.


  10. yes yes yes! I have and I love it :)

  11. it's a no for me. i'm very scared.. but it's okay if other girls want it.


  12. That's really interesting. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

  13. Vrlo zanimljiv post koji svakako zahteva dublje razmišljanje. Moje lično mišljenje je da silikonske implante ne treba stavljati, pre svega jer ma koliko hirurg bio stručan, nešto što nije prirodno nikada to biti neće. Zašto jednostavno ne uživati u onome što nam je priroda dala, pa makar imale i male grudi ;) Ali, naravno, ne osuđujem devojke koje se podvrgavaju ugradnji, ako će to učiniti da se osećaju bolje, sigurnije i ispunjenije, zašto da ne. :)


  14. Hej! Świetny post :)

    obserwuje i zapraszam do mnie :

  15. Odlična tema/rubrika ali moram odmah na početku da ti kažem da je meni koja nisam ekspert za engleski jezik za ovo bio potreban prevodilac. Moj dobronameran savet je ako možeš pored engleskog da ubaciš i srpski jezik.
    A sada kada je ova tema u pitanju- drago mije što si pisala o njoj. Ja nemam ništa protiv onih koji ugrade silikone ali u nekoj "normalnoj" veličini. Ali, ovim ptem svima koji čitaju tvoje postove a slučajno pročitaju i moj komentar želim da napomenem da je jako važna samokontrola dojki jer ste vi prvi koji mogu da otkriju ako nesto nije u redu. Ja sam imala već dve operacije dojki ali na sreću tumori su bili benigni (što je ustanovljeno nakon operacije). ZATO APELJEM da se redovno kontrolišete. Pozdrav.

  16. Mine is small, but i feel i am ok with it. But from your information my perspective about silicon has changed. Its worth to try. Good post.

  17. I always thought breastfeeding was impossible with this. Thanks for sharing
    The Glossychic

  18. What upsets me is to see the young girls make themselves artificial and consequently they all look like ... like the cars made in series! :)
    That's Amore Blog 🌹

  19. Very interesting and controversial topic! I am against surgical intervention in a woman's body. I prefer the natural beauty of women!

  20. thanks for this post!

  21. I really liked the post, well explanatory. Congratulations, I loved your blog.
    Lots of kisses and hugs!!💖💖

  22. it's a very interesting and informative post!

  23. Really interesting article! I wait for you in my Blog, I have a new article to make you read thanks dear

  24. Great post :)
    new post :)

  25. Interesting topic! I love my small breasts so I wouldn't get surgery, but I don't care what others do, if a girl wants silicone it's ok too. I think everyone should do what they want ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  26. I think anyone who wants to do it, should do it, why not? In my case, I would never do such an operation because I'm very afraid of operations :(

    Have a great weekend, kisses <3

  27. Even if Im not fan of operations, is a fantastic post..thanks for share it with us! <3

  28. even if i am flat chested, still, no. haha

    xoxo, rae

  29. Great post!!

  30. great article ;)

    have a nice day ! ;)

  31. Interesting post m y dear, thank you for sharing!

  32. This is an educational and interesting insight. Wow!! Definitely will have one thinking before they even venture this journey. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Obožavam tvoju rubliku Let's Talk *--* Kao i ovakve postove, stvarno predobro pišeš ovakve postove, i pišiii ih višee na blogu <3 <3 Što se tiče samog posta, ne znam, u neku ruku i jesam a u neku i ne, jer ako možeš bez operacija, anestezija, postoperativnog stanja, rana, šavova, zašto sebe da izlazeš tome, bolje je nekako ostati svoj i biti to što jesti, ali opet, to je tvoje telo, imaš slobodu da ga menjaš i prilagodjavaš svojim željama i potrebama, ne treba ti ničije mišljenje, ako ti sam znaš da hoćeš nešto da promeniš, onda je promena već na pola puta uradjena.. Tako da ne znam šta da mislim o ovoj temi, pola pola je I guess <3 <3 Ly i ponovo, predobar post, sve detalje i sve što treba da se zna si iznela ! <3 <3 <3

    Boomy's Place

  34. Breast implants are not for me! But as long as the people get happy, I'm fine with it! :)

  35. thanks for sharing this post. I found it to be quiet informative. Implants are not something I have given much thought.

  36. Hi, Sandra!
    I think it's important to be informed about all the procedures before starting anything else. This is something I wouldn't do — just because of the surgery itself — but I truely belive people should do what makes them happy!

    Algumas Observações

  37. Zanimljiva tema i zaista si je detaljno i fino objasnila. Ja lično nisam fan silikona, ali nemam ništa protiv onih devojaka koje jesu. Ružno mi je samo kada naprave predimenzionirane grudi koje ne pristaju ostatku tela, ali opet sve je stvar ukusa :)
    Veliki pozz

  38. Interesting article.
    Have a nice day!

  39. Great post.
    It is interested.
    I want to put silicone one day.

  40. Such an interesting topic! I have not the definite opinion, I think this depends on some personal reasons:)

    Blog: Witty Sweety
    Instagram: @witty_sweety

  41. Amei o post, é essencial alertar sobre o câncer de mama, que é uma doença terrível e que acaba com várias mulheres quando não tratado. =/
    Beijos. ♥

    Diário da Lady

  42. Omg i think definately no! ;) I prefer to be natural beauty ;)
    Have a nice day :*

  43. suuper ti je rubrika,ja nisam generalno protiv toga ali svakako da vise volim prirodno :)

  44. No, no and no. I think that natural breast are better and more beautiful. In my opinion look is not such important, most important think is to be yourself :)

    Have a nice day,

  45. Postagem maravilhosa amei, Obrigado pela visita.

  46. I don't need kkkkkkk my boobs are big (natural) kkkkkkk


  47. nothing wrong with getting one as long as its from a good surgeon, safe type of implant and you're not hurting anyone.

  48. jako mi se sviđa tvoj način argumentacije čitave teme. Sama smatram da "tko voli nek izvoli". Uvijek sam za pravo izbora, tako da ako netko želi silikone, smatram to osobnom odlukom :D

  49. Que post maravilhoso! Ótimo ;D Parabéns! amei
    Obrigada pela visita, linda!!
    Tenha uma ótima quinta-feira!! Até mais. Beijinhos ;*

  50. This is very informative post, I like it!
    It all depends on what you want and your reasons behind it!

  51. I have quite small breasts and I have often thought abaout silicone implant, but I am too scared of surgery and pain so I think I would never dare to do it!

  52. Amazing post!
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  53. My mom has breast implants and she is happy with them! I would never do it, but I think it helps to a lot of people ♥

  54. Poznajem djevojku koja je ugradila implantate baš zbog toga što je bila veoma nesretna svojim prijašnjim izgledom i to je mnogo utjecalo na njeno samopouzdanje. Ne osuđujem djevojke koje naprave taj izbor, ali smatram da je glavni životni uspjeh prihvaćanje samog sebe, sa svim svojim manama i vrlinama. Također sam više naklonjena nekoj prirodnoj ljepoti, no to je samo moje mišljenje. Hvala ti na ovako divnom, edukativnom postu. Uživala sam u čitanju :)
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  64. Although it seems safe enough, but I don't think I will do anything for my breast because I love the way it is. However, I like your post :)


  65. Nice and very informative post! :) I think that who want to do it should be free to do it without judgments! :)
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