Let's Talk | Chinese sites | Yes or Not?
Sooo hello my dear, welcome to my blog! How are you today?
Today, I have a little free time on my blog, between all wishlists to put in a random post. All these wishlists are about Chinese sites, and them items, so I want to talk about these online stores.
You probably know that I'm cooperating with many sites (Zaful, Rosegal, Gamiss, Dresslily, etc.). Every month, from these sites, I get a total of up to $ 500 in value in the form of clothes, shoes, makeup... And that's my earnings.
Am I satisfied with the things I get from Chinese sites?
On average, yes. Really! The clothes I order are always right, because they offer a table with sizes and dimension on the site, so the possibility is that you miss the small one. Shoes are also always perfect, comfortable and well-made. the make-up I received never caused an allergy on my face, although my skin is sensitive, so do I like these sites? Yeah.
But, what about prejudices about Chinese sites?
The word itself says these are prejudices. The Chinese are known for their discipline in work. Do you suspect that they can work poorly? As with every production, there are always several classes of products. The first class is sent to stores and sells on the Internet, and other worse classes are matched, for example, here in Serbia. That's why the Chinese's products here aren't good in Serbia. But that's no reason to don't appreciate Chinese things.
The merchandise I get is always of high quality, well packed in original packaging, protected, never happened to get something damaged, dirty, poked or similar. Of course, people were gotten the wrong things, torn, or dirty, but I don't have such an experience, and that's why I'm talking in my own name!
But why the thing we get often don't look like Original?
These are cases that often happen. But I have the right answer. One T-shirt doesn't fit everyone the same. It won't look same on me and on you. Also, sometimes we don't read from which material exactly the clothes are made, and when we get it, it looks different from the picture. So this error isn't their, than own.Also, as we strive to pictures look at the blog as better and more professional as possible, they also try to present their products in the best possible way.
What with the prices? Cheap product aren't quality, are they?
That isn't true. In Asia, work is very cheap, especially when it comes to physical work.
Unfortunately, people who make these products are cheap labor, and the producer does not allocate a large amount of money for workers, therefore it is worth paying for all these goods at an interest at the current prices. So it doesn't mean that if something is cheap, it's bad.
What about ordering, and shipping?
That's the smallest problem. On the site you select a certain item, place it in the shopping cart, then go to the 'place order' option, insert your information, pay the price with the 'pay pal' or something different, and within two weeks you can expect your package at the home address. Also, Goods often don't come from China, than from other countries, but the postage is the same, and the time it takes for the package to arrive is quick.
What with revenue and customs?
According to our laws, you can order and obtain goods for your own needs from abroad, up to 50 Euros in the event that the goods are sent to you by the company, and if the goods are sent by a physical person, this value is 70 euros. Value of goods is the total value of paid goods and paid postage. If the value exceeds the given value, the goods are customs at a rate of 10 percent, and a tax of 20 percent is paid.
What if I charge a customs duty?
If you receive a package of co-payments and you are charged with a customs duty, you will need to show your operator an account (bill) and they will refund you money.
Am I recommend Chinese Sites? YES or NO?
YES, definitily! I really recommend these sites! Don't have Prejudices for people who makes these products, and for these sites! My orders alway was so quality and really nice, for my taste! Cheap but really quality! Don't forget it. Also, These sites are very up-to-date wardrobe, new design and modern, so use the opportunity and get yourself something modern! I never had some problems with them! Recommend!
This post isn't sponsored!
What's your opinion about Chinese sites? Do you love them? Are you shopping?
I'd love to hear you experience, so write me it in comment.
Love you all, Malefica.
53 коментара
Great post dear! I really don't know the blogger who wrote this much about Chinese sites! Thanks for sharing, this is very helpful post! ♥
Oh thanks a lot dear!
ИзбришиOdlican post. Dopada mi se kako si iznela i objasnila cinjenice u vezi sa ovom temom.
ОдговориИзбришиKathy's delight
Hvala puno Katarina!
ИзбришиI'm still afraid of buying in those sites However, I've heard so incredible things about some of them.
ОдговориИзбришиThanks a lot dear!
ИзбришиPostoji neko uvreženo, stereotipno mišljenje o kineskoj robi generalno, ali i o sajtova, tako da, draga Sandrice, smatram da je ovaj post izuzetno poučan i interesantan i hvala što si podelila svoje mišljenje sa nama. Nemam iskustva sa kineskim sajtovima, tako da bi svaka naredna reč bila suvišna. :D
ОдговориИзбришиMy blog: Ana's blogger life
Hvala draga Ana, upravo tako!
ИзбришиDraga Sandra kao i svaki put donosiš nešto novo, edukativnog karaktera koji će mnogima koji su u dilemi pomoći. Nisam neko ko ima ogromno iskustvo sa ovim sajtovima iza sebe, ali mogu reći da su dosta kvalitetni. Svaka čast na postu i načinu na koji si nam prikazala ove sajtove! :)
Hvala puno draga Mina!
ИзбришиInteresting post:)
ОдговориИзбришиand thanks for your comment,
i follow you now, you have a really cool blog header :)
hope you follow me back <3
Thanks a lot dear, I follow u!
ИзбришиUskoro će mi stići paket sa Rosegala, i to je prvi put da imam saradnju sa nekim sajtom, a i da naručujem sa istih. Čekam da mi sitgne paket, pa tek onda mogu da govorim da li je kvalitetno ili ne. Što se tiče ovog posta, sjajan je, svaka čast na uloženom trudu.
ОдговориИзбришиOn Coffee With Adda ----> Adda's life
Hvala puno draga Šehada, jedva cekam revju!
ИзбришиThank you for your comment!!! I will follow your blog it's amazing!
Thank you so much dear!
ОдговориИзбришиOdličan post draga!
Hvala draga moja!
ИзбришиSuper post! Uskoro očekujem neke stvari sa spomenutih stranica pa ću i sama procijeniti kvalitetu i sve ostalo. :D
Hvala draga, jedva cekam recenziju!
ИзбришиI agree with you that cheap doesn't mean bad!
ОдговориИзбришиThank you for visiting my blog, of course I left a follow!
Kisses :*
katemi21.blogspot.com [KLIK]
Thanks dear Kasia!
ИзбришиOdličan post! Također, veliko DA za ove stranice jer zaista imaju odlične proizvode, da, u nekim slučajevima se desi da neki proizvodi i nisu toliko kvalitetni ali to je mali procenat što se zapravo dešava i kad idemo u ''normalni'' shopping.
ОдговориИзбришиVildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE
Hvala draga Vildana!
ИзбришиBravo Sandra, svaka čast za tekst i ideju :) Lepo i realno rečeno :)
ОдговориИзбришиHvala Jano! <3
ИзбришиSome chinese sites are amazing but I'm still very weary of purchasing! xx Thanks so much for sharing! x
ОдговориИзбришиMarina xx
Thanks a lot Marina!
Избришиgreat post! is very interesting! :) Kisses :)
Thanks a lot, dear Magdalena!
Избришиsome of them are good, some of them are bad. but I know exactly what you mean.
ОдговориИзбришиI already follow you :)
xo. tthuy | RubyliXious
Thanks a lot dear!Follow u back!
ИзбришиI love Chinese sites too, they're great!
ОдговориИзбришиThanks for your comment, I'm following you now, hope you do the same :)
Freak Muffin Blog
Thanks a lot dear, Of course, I follow u!kisses!
Избришиhi! I really like chinese sites! ^
Odličan post draga Sandra. Nemam ništa dodati, drago mi je da delimo ista mišljenja.
ОдговориИзбришиMagični svet lepote
Hvala draga!
ИзбришиEu sempre compro em sites chineses ainda não tive decepciones.
ОдговориИзбришиAmo seu blog, linda postagem boas dicas.
Ja sigo seu blog!
Visito sempre seu blog ele e lindo.
Thanks dear!
ИзбришиYes I really like chinese webs
Thanks dear!
ИзбришиOdličan post <3
ОдговориИзбришиJako mi se sviđa kako si iznijela i objasnila činjenice o svemu sa jako dobrim argumentima hahah
Dijelimo ista mišljenja :D<3
Hvala Antonia!Drago mi je zbog toga!
ИзбришиHvala puno dragaa!
ОдговориИзбришиStvarno divno od tebe da si odvojila djelić svoga vremena i napisala ovako koristan post za sve one koji su u nedoumicama. Zaista nikako da razumijem u čemu je toliki problem sa kineskom robom, ali mislim da je dovoljno za reći "Balkan". Ovdje ljudi imaju više predrasuda o nečemu što nisu isprobali, nego tvrdnji za ono u šta su se uvjerili. Dovoljno je da je jedno reklo da nešto nije ok i više niko se neće usuditi da to isto proba. Nadam se da će svi oni koji pročitaju ovaj tvoj post pokušati, ali bar POKUŠATI, da razmisle da li griješe po pitanju nekih svojih stavova.
ОдговориИзбришиMoj mali kutak
Hvala draga Dani!Upravo tako!
ИзбришиThis is a great post topic!! Beacuse there are a lot of prejudice around chinese websites but I have always had a good experience as you said!
ОдговориИзбришиThanks for sharing your experience and opinions on this!
Following your blog :)
Seize your Style
Thanks dear Andrea!Follow u back!
ИзбришиI like shopping in chinese sites too. I think they are good, the price is affordable and nice quality :D although I dont know why it takes looooong time to arrive here where I live.. so I rather buy offline :(
ОдговориИзбришиthanks dear!
ИзбришиOdličan post draga. Drago mi je što si ga uradial i moram priznati da sam i ja oduševljena kineskim sajtovima i da sam sa mnogima koje si i sama navela imala saradnje i moja iskustva su uglavnom bila pozitivna, pogotovo kada je u pitanju ZAFUL site. Btw žao mi je što post nije napisan na srpskom :/
ОдговориИзбришиDelilah's Stories | Filmtastično
Hvala Dalila! Imas prevod sa strane pa izvoli!